
Why do you do the things you do? The small or big stuff, doesn’t matter...what is truly driving you?⁣  ⁣Your purpose is powerful. We get so caught up in the how that we sometimes stop asking why and in my case that turned ugly. *Quick reminder, I’m not a nutritionist or expert in anything health... Continue Reading →


Being uncomfortable is hard. ⁣ ⁣ Frankly it’s something that I try to avoid at all costs, but eventually life catches up with me and forces me to deal with the unsavory stuff! 2019 has been a rollercoaster and I’ve had to sharpen my skills of side stepping emotionally challenging events. ⁣ ⁣ Just as... Continue Reading →

You Are More Than a Number

“You are more than a number, it does not define your worth." I know this. I’ve repeated this mantra so many times that I honestly believed I was on the other side of this battle. I’m not. I recently ordered a pair of jeans online. When they arrived I realized I had ordered the wrong... Continue Reading →

How much H2O do you need each day?

Let’s start with some quick math...take your body weight divided by 2 = total ounces needed each day. Now that you know how much H2O you need let’s chat how to achieve that amount to reach optimum hydration... Being hydrated properly supports sustained energy, proper digestion, skin elasticity, regulates blood pressure, aides in reducing bloating,... Continue Reading →

F*ck Diet Culture

Recently I received a message from a dear friend. Her 6 year old daughter asked to be on a diet so she could stay skinny. I had to excuse myself from the room after reading her message. The breath escaped my body and my heart sank into the pit of my stomach. This is diet... Continue Reading →

Speak Kindly of Yourself

The girls in these pictures are confident. They aren’t counting calories or worrying about exercising to make up for their ice cream. I’m sad and disheartened. I did not see the flood of emotions coming surrounding the controversy of the Weight Watchers kid inspired diet app. Spending the day with my own children I could... Continue Reading →

High Cliff 25k 2019 – Recap

Woah! High Cliff Ultra 25k was an adventure.  Last year I was unable to race due to a work trip my husband had in San Fran, so I was unaware that the course had changed.  Holy bananas!!!!  I was not ready for the climbing and when I say climbing think on hands and knees scaling... Continue Reading →

Transformation Photos Stress Me Out

Transformation photos stress me out! There I said it.  Probably not a popular thing to say, but they do.  I used to LOVE Transformation Tuesday and would spend hours combing through before and after pictures then research the programs or products individuals used to achieve their results. Looking back I realize the level of devotion... Continue Reading →

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